How long can you wear contact lenses in a day | FAQs for contact lens use

People often ask the eye experts like “How long would it take to wear the contact lenses?, is it gonna hurt if I forgot to remove the daily use contact lens by accident?, Can I store my contacts in tap water for a while?, etc.”

“The Daily use disposable lenses must be thrown out after being used (merely for 8-16 hours), no matter if you’ve only worn them for a short period of time though.”

The very first thing regarding the daily use of contact lenses is that, if you are having the daily use lenses, you should not be sleeping along with them or reusing them cause it can impact directly to your eye life.

Don’t ever risk your eye health and safety.

Contact lenses are very safe, users have to follow the instructions given by the eye expert while contact lenses were dispensed, clean them properly, and replace them as directed by the eye experts. The best thing about the contact lens is that you need very little time for a soft contact lens to get used to. Sometimes a few minutes or a few days depending on the individual.

Learn Why You Should Go for Brand Contac Lenses

Checklist For Daily Use Lenses 

  • Daily wear lenses are worn during the day and removed each night for cleaning. A single pair can be worn repeatedly and their length of use varies according to the manufacturer.
  • Daily disposable lenses can be worn during the day and discarded at night. Programmed-replacement disposable lenses are worn and removed daily, but the lenses are replaced every two to four weeks.
  • Extended-wear lenses are worn continuously for one to four weeks before the lenses are removed and replaced.
  • Guess what, all you need is a very less time for a soft contact lens to get used to. Some times few minutes or few days depending on the individual.
  • The number of hours that you can wear contacts ranges anywhere from eight to 16 hours per day.
  • Basically it is recommended to place a clean towel on the surface where you are inserting your lenses, so that if the lens falls down you can clean it again and use. But if the lens falls on a dirty surface and can’t be cleaned well you should discard the lens.
  • Neither daily wear lenses nor daily disposable lenses are approved to sleep in.
  • Daily wear lenses are also disposable, but not on a required daily basis like daily disposables.
  • There are different disposal requirements, ranging from daily to monthly, depending on the type of daily wear lenses you choose.

In case if you are suffering from the issue of dry eyes, or relevant and you’re not willing to remove your disposable lenses throughout the day, just don’t wait, make the appointment go to the eye specialist.  The very preliminary benefit of daily use lenses is that it decreases the risk of infection [Because According to Evan Loft: “The risk of developing a corneal ulcer is 10 to 15 times greater in extended wear versus daily wear contacts.”]


Generally, one can wear the daily use contact lenses safely and comfortably for 8 to 16 hours each day. Most of the daily contact lenses available today provide moisture retention of up to 8-16 hours, so that you may carry them for long spells without removing them or experiencing any kind of irritation and dryness. So, depending on the type of contact lenses we use, it is needed to confirm the wear duration with your eye care professional. You can wear your contact lenses daily. However, wearing daily contact lenses for more than a prescribed time duration is not recommended as it may cause heavy damage to our eyes. In other words, one must have a contact lens schedule in place that allows one to use his/her reusable contact lenses.

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